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  • Haji Mofassil Ali Complex, Hojai, Assam – 782435
  • 03674 254 786
  • Haji Mufossil Ali Complex, Dist: Nagaon, Hojai, Assam 782435
  • 03674 254 786

Ajmal Skill Development and Livelihood

In order to reach out to the poor, AJMAL FOUNDATION, in collaboration with like-minded social organizations, is implementing various schemes and projects within the organizational frame work. AJMAL FOUNDATION has prioritized Skill Development Programs and has been implementing various projects in collaboration with different Ministries of the Government of India and Government of Assam. A few of them have been mentioned below:

  • Learn & Earn sponsored by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India
  • Swarna Jayanti Shehri Rojgar Yojana sponsored by Guwahati Municipal Corporation, Government of Assam
  • Skill Development Initiative funded by Directorate of Employment and Craftsmen Training, Government of Meghalaya
  • Sales Orientation Program funded by Ajmal & Sons, Mumbai
  • Nai Manzil supporetd by the Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India
  • Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana sponsored by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India
  • Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna, under the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India
  • Nai Roshni funded by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India
  • Free Coaching and Allied Scheme sposored by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India
  • SABLA, under the Ministry of Women and Child Development Department, Government of India
  • Seekho Aur Kamao sponsored by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India.

Under these projects around 14,000 candidates are trained in different trades like Hospitality Management, Security Guard, Retail, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Health Care, and Nursing. Around 9,000 Candidates have been placed so far in different sectors. It is our pleasure to mention that AJMAL FOUNDATION has been considered as one of the best Non-Government Organizations by The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) due to its immense contributions in the field of Skill Development.

Learn and Earn is a scheme implemented by the Government of India since 2013-14 for skill development of minorities. The scheme aims at upgrading the skills of minority youth in various modern/traditional skills depending upon their qualification, present economic trends and market potential, which can earn them suitable employment or make them suitably skilled to go for self-employment. This project was implemented by AJMAL FOUNDATION for two years. There were 200 beneficiaries in 2014-15 with a placement percentage of 86%. In the year 2016-17, 250 beneficiaries were there and the project is still ongoing with more beneficiaries being added.

The Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) seeks to provide gainful employment to the urban unemployed or underemployed poor through encouraging the setting up of self-employment ventures or provision of wage employment. This programme relies on creation of suitable community structures on the UBS(Urban Basic Services for the Poor) pattern and delivery of inputs under this programme shall be through the medium of urban local bodies and such community structures. This project was implemented by AJMAL Foundation under Guwahati Municipal Corporation supported by National Urban Livelihood Mission during 2015-16, benefitting 60 beneficiaries, out of which 56 were females.

The Directorate of Employment and Craftsmen Training (DECT) was established to ensure a steady flow of skilled workers in different trades for the industry. With the vision of enhancing the Employment and Employability through Employment Services and Systematic Skill Training, it aimed to raise the quality and quantity of industrial production by systematic training of workers. It focuses on reducing unemployment among the educated youth by equipping them for suitable industrial employment. It conducts apprenticeship training under Apprentices Act, 1961 and the trainings are evaluated according to the NVCT norms. A Skill development linked with placement project have been implemented by Ajmal Foundation under Directorate of Employment and Craftsmen Training (DECT), Meghalaya. Under this project 6 months skill training in various courses had been imparted to 60 candidates and after successful completion of training, 51 were successfully placed in different sectors.

Sales Orientation Program is a business approach of making profits by focusing on persuasion of people to buy the products instead of understanding the customer needs. Emphasis is put on advertising and improving the abilities of the sales force. The product and the production capacity precede the customer. The SOP is being carried out in AJMAL FOUNDATION since 2004. Under this program, training on the overall development of the person is provided with classes of Personality Development, Computer Education, and Spoken English and so on. So far, around 847 candidates have benefitted from the program, being placed in various sectors.

Nai Manzil-an integrated Education and Livelihood initiative for the Minority Communities. The Scheme aims to benefit the minority youths who do not have a formal school leaving certificate, i.e those in the category of school- dropouts or educated in community education institutions like Madarsas, in order to provide them formal education and skills, and enable them to seek better employment and livelihoods in the organised sector.
Nai Manzil aims to engage constructively with poor Minority youth and help them obtain sustainable and gainful employment opportunities that can facilitate them to be integrated with mainstream economic activities. It aims at mobilizing youth from minority communities who are school drop-outs and provide them with formal education and certification up to level 8th or 10th through National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) or other State open schooling systems.In the year 2016-2017 Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India supported by World Banksponsored AJMAL Foundation for implementing Nai Manzil Schemes in both Assam and Meghalayawith the target of 970 for each state. In order to implement the Project Ajmal Foundation, set up 16 Education cum Skill Training center all over Assam and Meghalaya and imparted 6 Month Education Classes under National Institute of Open Schooling and also conducted 3 months skill
course to all the allocated students. So far, 70% students have been placed in different multi national companies all over India.
In the Financial year 2017-2018, Ministry of Minority Affairs second time sponsored Ajmal Foundation for implementing the same projects with a target of 413 candidates and accordingly we have conducted 6 months education classes and 3 months skill training for all candidates. Currently the placement of the project is continuing.

DDU-GKY (Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana) is a part of the National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM), tasked with the dual objectives of adding diversity to the incomes of rural poor families and cater to the career aspirations of rural youth. It is uniquely focused on rural youth between the ages of 15 and 35 years from poor families. It plays an instrumental role in supporting the social and economic programs of the government like the Make in India, Digital India, Smart Cities and Start-Up India, Stand-Up India campaigns. Over 180 million or 69% of the country’s youth population between the ages of 18 and 34 years, live in its rural areas. Out of these, the youth from poor families with no or marginal employment is about 55 million. Deen Dayal Upadhaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana, a placement linked skill training program under Ministry of Rural Development Govt. of India has been sanctioned to AJMAL Foundation to train and place 800 BPL Youths from Assam. AJMAL Foundation has developed an institute for the same with a capacity of 200 candidates. Under this project, Ajmal Foundation provides skill training in BPO, RETAIL, Hospitality and Accounting Sectors. So far Ajmal Foundation trained 560 candidates and placed 329 and the process is still continued.

SGSY Special Project is under Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India for facilitating employment of rural unemployed youth belonging to the below poverty line families. As per target allocated by funding agency 7980 no’s of eligible candidates from Assam, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka were covered under this project.
In this Project 7980 rural unemployed youths have been trained in states of Karnataka, Maharastra, Uttar Pradesh and Assam in last four years and 6035 no’s of trained candidates have been placed in various National and Multi-National companies.

The status of women in the country, particularly those from the disadvantaged sections of the society, is unfavorable. Empowerment of women per se is not only essential for equity, but also constitutes a critical element in our fight for poverty reduction, economic growth and strengthening of civil society. A report of the High-Level Committee on the social, economic and educational status of the Muslim community of India (popularly known as the Sachar Committee Report) had highlighted the fact that India’s largest minority group, the Muslim numbering 13.83 Crore, have been left out of the development trajectory and within this group Muslim women are doubly disadvantaged. Keeping this in view, the Ministry of Minority Affairs reformulated the scheme in 2011-12 and renamed it as “Nai Roshni- the Scheme for Leadership Development of Minority Women”. The implementation of the Scheme started in 2012-13. The objective of the scheme is to empower and instill confidence among minority women, including their neighbors from other communities living in the same village/locality, by providing knowledge, tools and techniques for interacting with Government systems, banks and other institutions at all levels. “Nai Roshni” program is run with the help of NGOs, Civil societies and Government Institutions all over the country. It includes various training modules like Leadership of women, Educational Programs, Health and Hygiene, Swachch Bharat, Financial Literacy, Life Skills, Legal Rights of Women, Digital Literacy and Advocacy for Social and behavioral change. AJMAL Foundation has successfully implemented the Project in Nagaon Districts of Assam with 125 numbers of women beneficiaries.

The scheme aims to empower the minority communities, which are relatively disadvantaged section of society, by assisting them as well as those institutions working for them, towards enhancing their skills and capabilities to make them employable in industries, services and business sectors in addition to the government sector.AJMAL Foundation Implemented Free Coaching and Allied Schemes supported by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India. In 2014-2015 The Trust implemented the Schemes in Assam and offering free coaching in its own well-furnished Coaching Institutes located at Hojai and Guwahati for the courses like Medical, Engineering and Civil Service Exams for the students belonging from minority communities. The trust hires energetic and intellectual multi-talented person from different reputed Institutes and conducted the Program. Out of 50 allocated Students 3 attemptedfor civil service exam and 27 attempted for Medical& Engineering exam.of these,1 student qualified preliminary of civil service exam, 11 Students obtained job in Government Sector and 9 students qualified Medical & Engineering Exam.
Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India allocated fresh 50 candidates to coach and place in the year 2016-2017 and accordingly Ajmal Foundation imparted coaching to 50 candidates and finally 13 candidates successfully got the opportunities to take admission in Medical and Engineering Colleges.

Candidates List:-List of the Candidates Format III

The Government of India has initiated the Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of the Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) – SABLA under the Ministry of Women and Child Development Department. This scheme is a centrally sponsored program that aims to enable self-development and empowerment of the Adolescent Girls. SABLA scheme works to combat the various socio-legal issues by focusing on educational, nutritional and health requirements. The ICDS infrastructure is used for the implementation of the SABLA Scheme. The Anganwadi Centers will be the focal points for the delivery of services provided under the scheme. This scheme mainly focuses on both the in-school adolescent girls and out-of-school adolescent girls.This is one of the
projects which AJMAL Foundation undertook in collaboration with Directorate of Social Welfare, Assam during 2007-2008. The project was of great assistance in the process of empowering rural woman especially bringing awareness in health & nutrition and preparation for motherhood issues in the district of Hailakandi, Assam. AJMAL Foundation in association with Anganbadi centre organized several awareness programs. The program was run for two months duration. There are 448 Anganwadi centre worked closely to provide 4 adolescence girls from each Anganwadi area for the purpose of empowerment.

Seekho Aur Kamao (Learn and Earn) is a scheme implemented by Ministry of Minority Affairs, Government of India since 2013-14 for skill development of minorities. The scheme aims at upgrading the skills of minority youth in various modern/traditional skills depending upon their qualification, present economic trends and market potential, which can provide them suitable employment or make them suitably skilled to go for self-employment. This project was implemented by AJMAL Foundationin Assam for two years. In the year 2014-2015, Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India has allocated 200 candidates to Ajmal Foundation to impart 3 months skill training and placed 173 trained candidates in wage employment.
Again, In the financial year 2016-17, 250 beneficiaries have been allocated by MoMAtoAJMAL Foundation and out of which 250 candidates were trained and 193 candidates were placed in various companies all over India.
